A Journey within, is a Journey throughout.
Are you ready….

🕉Weekly Breath and Meditation Virtual Classes.
🕉Weekly Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Narcissistic Abuse Survivor Empowerment community calls.
🕉Weekly Body movement and Subconscious Reprograming Virtual Classes.
🕉Monthly Visioning and Sound Virtual Cacao Ceremonies

For more information and to register, please email inspiredlife@aumalchemy.com

🕉The Breathing Festival
🕉Modern Day Priestess ® Training
🕉Breath Discovery Camp - Transformational Breath ®

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I am excited to share the details of the upcoming event, The Breathing Festival (Virtual), that is near and dear to my heart! I am honored to be one of the 50+ leading breath experts who will share teachings and experiences at The Breathing Festival (Virtual) in February 2021. Attendees take part in empowering discussions, life-awakening breathing experiences, tools for everyday living, conscious music, cutting-edge breathing technology and more.

The Festival runs from Thursday – Sunday over three weekends in February: February 11-14; February 18-21; February 25-28, 2021. Each Festival day will include lectures, experiential breathing sessions and “toolkits” which are tips and tricks for bringing breathwork into your everyday life. All daily sessions will be released at 10 am US Eastern Time / 5 pm GMT to allow for you to watch at your leisure.

My presentation is planned for Feb.26 at 9AM PST, and the entire line up is incredible!

Tickets start at only $11 for a full 12 days of access to lectures, experiential sessions, tools, tips and tricks you can use to Change your Breath. Change your World. Ticket prices are on an honor system, pay what you want, ranging from $11, $55, $111, or a VIP ticket for $555.

Get your tickets today using my special link: https://theicfb.com/82/festival

Heartfelt Gratitude and Excitement,


Modern Day Priestess ® Training

Rise Forth!!

  • YOU, as Contribution of your Unique Gifts and Talents…

  • YOU, as a Radiant atmosphere of Possibility and Truth…

  • YOU, deeply aligned with your Highest Self, in absolute flow with and as the One…

  • YOU, as a powerful Mover + Shaker, birthing, growing, establishing what only YOU can deliver…

  • YOU, a Modern Mystic – with adroit Understanding of the Mechanics of the Universe – Seen + Unseen – working with, weaving with nimble Discernment and facile Acumen.

  • YOU, allowing the Remembering to Pour Forth, here + now, creating a World that Works for EveryOne…

This just might be the year to opt-in to this vital, current-day, modern-mystery-school Training for Women. You and the stellar women who join you, will be the generation of 2021…

You, in the deepest yearnings of your beautiful sacred Soul, along with this modern-day world in which you live, are yearning for your emergence – to actualize, to be, and to express what you came here for…

JOIN US, the Ones Who Are Remembering… with Love, abiding Peace, deep Understanding and overflowing Inspiration..

Join the Institute of Modern Wisdom Community and founder Rev. Kate Rodger, PhD(c). and Certified IMW Teacher Trainers this fall for a 10-Moon Training that will simply change everything about who you are in the world.

This work goes well beyond ‘finding your path’ ~ it is no less than tapping into the deepest aspects of your Soul, your Divinity, your connection to the Absolute Nature of Who You Brilliantly Are, bringing you into the full Radiance of You – – an unfettered, clear and whole Being here to deeply abide by and from the eternal Wisdom encoded within…

The Priestess Training differs in from the Alchemist(for men) Training in respect that it invites the Modern Day Conscious Woman to fully access her radiant, deeply-imbued capacity to work multi-dimensionally with ease and grace, while living a life of vibrant contribution and abundant receptivity. We honor the Sacred Feminine as she experiences the uniqueness of inherent qualities of her own Self… Intuitive Flow, Inspired Creativity, Generosity, Seeing Through Appearances and Veils of Illusion, healthy, vibrant, honoring Inter-dependence of Communion with herSelf and the Beloveds in her life…. living from Inspiration rather than simply coping with surface phenomena… We have been so well-groomed to live a life activated in our Masculine Energetic (albeit, a bit unbalanced)…it’s time to waken, and in many cases – heal/reveal – the sweet, powerful, unfettered Feminine. A focus, a rooting, which can only speak to and for the Feminine Experience….just as in our Modern Day Alchemist® Program for men – we are committed to honoring what is so wanting to evolve as Modern Day Humans in our particular trajectories, with our lineages, our soul journeys, our stories, and our Callings.

The Intention behind and the Invitation to You regarding these Trainings is to align as the Modern Conscious Woman into a deep understanding and embodiment of your walk in this lifetime as not only the living radiance of the Divine Feminine, but to provide pragmatic tools which evoke, activate and place you in intimate communion with the innate multi-dimensional Self and all living beings. We study Prayer, Meditation, Kundalini Yoga, the Sacred Feminine, the Mechanics of the Universe, Visioning, Circle work, the Esoteric, Women’s Cycles, Energy Work, Pranayam, Sound Healing, Goddess Archetypes, Practical Mysticism, Shamanism, Nature Spirits, Spirit Guides, how to lead event/retreats, Earth Medicine, Ancestral and Ancient Wisdom and more…

In this Training you will integrate Ageless Wisdom Tools to help ground you in your practices and understandings (such as Alchemy Prayer®, Pranic Breathwork®, Shamanic work, and so much more. We activate the Ancient Wisdom Ways for practical, grounded, use in this modern-day technocratic world we are currently experiencing. We meet online – New Online Curriculum coming 2021. In between our sessions, you will be vibrantly engaged in projects, assignments, invitations, support calls, and/or spiritual practices.

Yes, there are Required and Recommended Reading Lists – which you receive upon Registration.

In our final week, we come together for Initiation – from all over the planet, past and present Modern Day Priestess Initiates, in a weekend of anchoring-in to What You Have Said Yes To and profound Love and Celebration; you will be seen, honored, and amplified, just as in true Mystery School fashion.

Essentially, we’re bringing the Mystic out of the proverbial closet and settin’ her loose on the streets, equipped with a Vibrant Consciousness, practical tools, oriented in the Boundless Wisdom of her Heart. It’s time Ladies: let’s ROCK!

Dates for 2021/2022 Trainings ~ We Begin 2021 exact Dates to be announced

This Modern Day Priestess® Training, with a sincere YES, will Open You to Your Birth-Right AMAZINGNESS, as you’ve not yet here-to-fore known …doesn’t mean it will always be comfortable…always will mean your Soul’s brilliance is at hand, guiding you perfectly…

Tuition & Enrollment

*An application is required & a complimentary 15-min call with an IMW Certified Wisdom Practitioner/Priestess or Mentor will happen prior to registration to verify that this is the right fit for You. This is an incredibly activating, transformative, provocative Portal and Training-in-Consciousness. This investment and exploration in and of yourself will ask you to go deeper than you may have ever gone; it will require your soul’s authentic engagement. We are fundamentally in service to the exposure, strengthening, and evolutionary growth of your SOUL so that you may be a dynamic force of GOOD in our world – for yourself and for the collective. Obviously it is not to be taken lightly, as we do not take your Yes lightly. It will not always be “fun” or comfortable; your soul will demand your excellence. This doesn’t mean ‘perfection’ by societal standards – this means literally OPENING UP to the inherent BRILLIANCE OF YOU.

Please consider that this Training may not be for You if now is not the time for this kind of evocative growth!



Breath Discovery Camp - Transformational Breath ®

The Essential Online Breathing Program.

From the friends who brought you Transformational Breath® comes a beginner course on healthy Breathing.

Discover and experience how a personal breathing practice is essential to health and well-being on all levels of Self.

Find out how your unique breathing pattern tells a story about you and reflects your life.

Based on our Transformational Breath® system, we simplify our approach to integrative breathing while adding in other more basic breathing elements. 

The perfect gateway to our deeper in-person events.  BREATH DISCOVERY CAMP™

This Online home-based personal Breathing Program features:

  • 10 weekly modules guide you gently

  • No travel needed

  • Self-paced at-home design

  • Interactive session with our trained professionals

    10 Modules

1) Breathing Consciously; Ground-zero Diaphragm and Basics.

2) Exploring the Meaning of Your Breath.

3) Connecting the Breath; Generating Vibrational Changes.

4) Healing with Sound; Gateway to Faster Integration.

5) Intention, Invocations, Affirmations; Taking it to Another Level.

6) Subconscious and Emotional Integration; Freedom from the Past.

7) Accessing the Spiritual; Finding and Expressing Who You Are.

8) Fun with the Breath; Playing with the Electronic Forces of the Universe.

9) Downloadable full guided session for your weekly practice. Plus a discount coupon for your first Session with a Certified Facilitator**

10) Resources, checking in, moving forward. What is next?

Bonus Content: Q&A and Sharing Session with the Trainers.

**price of the session has to be confirmed with each individual practitioner prior to booking. 



Transform your life and experience Peace, Calm and Clarity
iberate yourself from what is blocking you and keeping you stuck
reate the life you were born to live as your highest potential
ay Yes to Wellness and Fulfillment