
Domestic Violence

Narcissistic Abuse
Sexual Assault

๐Ÿ’™ Domestic Violence is real. It comes in many forms. A broken bone or bruises left are not the only signs DV is happening. Sometimes this would make it easier-there is proof-physical evidence left behind.

๐Ÿ’™ There is emotional, verbal, mental, psychological, sexual and financial abuse. These are all forms the perpetrator uses to control and manipulate the victim.

๐Ÿ’™ There is also Narcissistic abuse. The narc uses all of the above tactics and is after their โ€œvictimโ€™sโ€ supply. They need to feed off of your energy.

๐Ÿ’™ In order to do so, they devalue, humiliate, engage in crazy making, gas lighting, isolation, blame, shame, manipulation, word salad, DARVO(Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender), control and they will do whatever it takes to ensure you are the one who is doing the โ€œwrongโ€ to the outside world and that itโ€™s all your fault.

๐Ÿ’™ There are different types of narcissists as well. The Covert is one of the most dangerous ones to watch for, on the outside, they appear charming, kind, attentive and as they are the victim. What happens behind closed doors is an entirely different truth. The one on the receiving end begins to believe โ€œmaybe I am the crazy one, maybe it is all my fault, maybe I am making a big deal out of itโ€

๐Ÿ’™ No matter what type of abuse you are dealing with, it is so important to stay connected. Stay connected to your friends, your family and most importantly, your inner truth and wisdom. You are truly not alone. There are so many resources available wherever you are. Many are free or available for low costs.

๐Ÿ’™ The abuse can happen slowly and over time. The abuser knows how to attack discretely and slowly, thus gaining control over their โ€œvictimโ€ or supply.

๐Ÿ’™ There may also be other contributing factors that intensify the situation such as alcohol and drug abuse.

๐Ÿ’™ Narcissistic Abuse is Domestic Violence and it is not yet so publicly known or understood. It doesnโ€™t only happen in the home. It can occur at the workplace, with friends and in oneโ€™s community.

My intention is to empower you, activate healing and guide you to transform physical, emotional, mental or spiritual experiences of suffering, trauma, pain, confusion, beyond circumstance and story, to open you up to living your Bliss and abundant dream life. I have been there, in abusive relationships and am here as living evidence that you too can not just survive, you can heal, thrive, take your power back and live your dream life.

If you feel ready to do your inner work, stand in your power and live life on your terms, I am here to walk this journey with you, side by side, hand and hand, guiding you on. You have to do the work. I cannot do it for you, I know YOU CAN!

๐Ÿ•‰Contact me to begin a most powerful and life transformational journey of healing and personal freedom.


Domestic Violence HOTLINE 8007997233

National Alliance on Mental Illness 24-hour helpline: 800-950-6264


Transform your life and experience Peace, Calm and Clarity
iberate yourself from what is blocking you and keeping you stuck
reate the life you were born to live as your highest potential
ay Yes to Wellness and Fulfillment